
AddNewRequestsTentatively applies only to mailboxes that have the Calendar Attendant feature enabled (mailboxes that have AutomateProcessing set to ‘AutoUpdate’). This option causes newly-received meeting requests to appear on the recipient’s calendar as Tentative. However, no message is sent to the meeting organizer to indicate that the recipient accepted the meeting.


TentativePendingApproval applies only to mailboxes that have the Resource Booking feature enabled (mailboxes that have AutomateProcessing set to ‘AutoAccept’). This option is only relevant if the resource has received a meeting request that needs to be approved by a delegate of the resource. Under such circumstances, if TentativePendingApproval is set to ‘true’, then the meeting will be accepted tentatively by the Resource Booking Agent.  The meeting organizer will receive a message from the resource indicating Tentative acceptance, and the message will state, “Your request was received and is pending approval.”.


True = System to approves or rejects meetings based on avaliability
False = Delegate approves or rejects all meetings (tentative placeholder)

True = Accepts meeting tenatively if avaliable and rejects if unavaliable. Accepted meetings will need to be approved by room delegates unless AllBookInPolicy = True.
False = System will approve if avaliable not accept tenatively if unavaliable

True = Allow request out of policy e.g. booking 6 months in advance and will require approval by a room delegate
False = Disallows request out of policy e.g. booking 6 months in advance

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Contributer and Author Enterprise Communications Engineer Hi Epic

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